Fisherground Campsite



Fisherground is set right in the heart of Eskdale, one of Lakeland's loveliest valleys. Here on the West side of the Lake District we get less rain and more sun that our more famous cousins the other side of Scafell. … In this quiet valley there is still the peace and tranquility that should be Lakeland - but rarely is in the bustling centres. Here, there are still more sheep than people. Peace is the watchword on the campsite too. We cater mainly for families and couples, and every effort is made to ensure silence after 10.30pm.
  • Categoria camping:
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 140
Propune schimbarea
Pret de referinta
Sezon de vârf 15,50 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte
Ore de operare
15. Martie - 30. Septembrie


From the South take the M6 Motorway and leave at Junction 36 for Kendal/Lakes. Follow Barrow signs (A590). Turn right to Workington (A5092) 3 miles beyond Newby Bridge. Follow this road to Broughton-in-Furness (10 miles). Turn right to Ulpha before … the River Duddon (3/4 mile beyond Broughton). AFter 4 miles turn left in Ulpha Village up a steep hill signed Eskdale. Follow the fell road to the King George IV pub (6 miles). Turn right. Fisherground Campsite is the first turning on the left.
  • Mare: 16 km
  • Lac: 14 km
  • in munti: da
  • Următoarea localitate: 21 km
  • Următorul oraș/sat: 1,8 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 12 km
CA19 1TF Holmrook
Marea Britania
Coordonate GPS
Lat 54.39236, Long -3.2821
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Fisherground Campsite
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