Karjamaa Camping



Camping accommodation with the best location in Pärnu. We are located just a few hundred meters from the beach and not far from the centre of town. Nightclubs and supermarkets are at close range and only a short walk away. …Camping offers an excellent beauty spot for barbeque and free time spending. We are open may 1st - october 31. We have places for tents.
  • Dimensiunea site-ului: 1 ha
  • Numărul total de terenuri: 16
  • Numărul de locuri turistice: 16
Propune schimbarea

Pret de referinta

Sezon de vârf 50,00 EUR*
*Doi adulți, caravană, mașină, electricitate și taxe locale pe noapte

Ore de operare

01. May - 31. October




Camping accommodation with the best location in Pärnu. We are located just a few hundred meters from the beach and not far from the centre of town. Nightclubs and supermarkets are at close range and only a short walk away. …Camping offers an excellent beauty spot for barbeque and free time spending. We are open may 1st - october 31.
  • Mare: 1 km
  • Râu: 1 km
  • Gară sau stație de autobuz: 0,1 km


Karjamaa 20 a
80016 Pärnu
Coordonate GPS
Lat 58.37555, Long 24.5244
Primire indicații
Propune schimbarea


Karjamaa Camping

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